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Lab with IPv6 Tunnel

This document explains how to bring IPv6 Internet connectivity to a lab platform using tunnels. This scenario is useful whenever IPv6 is not enabled on the Internet access of your Lab.

Figure 1. Internet connectivity and IPv6 support

As shown in Figure 1, we suppose that your lab is equipped with either dual-stack (supporting IPv4 and IPv6) devices or IPv6-only devices. In order to get IPv6 connectivity to your lab, you need to traverse a legacy IPv4-only network. Unfortunately, this is still the case for many Internet Service Providers around the world.

In such case, tunnel mechanisms can help you get IPv6 connectivity without waiting for the migration of the IPv4-only network. RFC 7059 presents an exhaustive overview of tunnel mechanisms. In this document, you will use a static 6in4 tunnel. Precisely, IPv6 packets generated by your lab devices are encapsulated in IPv4 headers in order to traverse the IPv4-only network. This IPv4 header is removed, and the original IPv6 packets are routed on the dual-stack Internet. The incoming packets will undergo a similar process to reach your lab devices.

Figure 2 illustrates a deployment example of the 6in4 tunnel. The Tunnel End-Point (TEP) adds and removes the IPv4 headers. Therefore, a specific configuration should be applied on this device. Moreover, you can choose this device to be the default gateway for your lab in a way that all ongoing IPv6 trafic benefits from the tunnelling mechanism.

Figure 2. 6in4 Tunnel for extending IPv6 connectivity

Hurricane Electric provides a free service for 6in4 tunnels. Subscription is available on Start by creating a Regular Tunnel. Then put the IPv4 address of your TEP in the field IPv4 Endpoint (Your side) and select the nearest tunnel server. Verify that everything is set accordingly in the tunnel details page. Click on Example Configurations and copy the commands for your operating system. For example, if you are using an Debian based TEP:

auto he-ipv6
iface he-ipv6 inet6 v4tunnel
        address #TEP_IPv6_address
        netmask 64
        endpoint #Tunnel_server_IPv4_address
        local #TEP_IPv4_address
        ttl 255
        gateway #Tunnel_server_IPv6_address  
lab_with_ipv6_tunnel.1516133745.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/16 21:15 by samer