Table of Contents
IoTLabs: Projects Proposal
1. Global Outcomes
- Analyze the constraints of an LPWAN based on LoRaWAN
- Deploy an end-to-end IoT service over LoRaWAN
- Design the different components of an end-to-end IoT chain
- Physical interface of an IoT device
- Control and actuation
- Data storage, visualization, and analytics
2. Requirements and Constraints
- Use the ESIB LoRaWAN platform
- Provide working code and proof of concepts
- Provide technical documentation
3. [CO] Connecting the Platform
- Describe and analyze the basic steps for sending and receiving data over LoRaWAN: IoTLabs: Exploring LoRaWAN
4. [PO] Projects Proposal
4.1 LoRaGreen: Smart Classroom
- Design and implement an end-to-end IoT service
- Detect, transmit, store, and visualize
- Classroom occupancy
- Classroom lighting and temperature
- Analyze and correlate occupancy and lighting
4.2 LoRaMarathon: Live GPS Tracking
- Design and implement an end-to-end IoT service
- Detect, transmit, store, and visualize
- GPS position of device
- RSSI level
- Track device on a dynamic map
4.3 LoRaBot: Device Configuration via Messenger
- Design and implement an end-to-end IoT service
- Tune radio parameters (SF, transmit period, sleep, etc.)
- Use a messenger robot to interact with device
4.4 LoRaPark: Parking Counters
- Detect, transmit, store, and visualize
- Car entrance and exit of parking
- Make data available on a messenger robot
5. Available Resources
- Devices
- Arduino Mega with LoRa Dragino Shields
- Raspberry Pi with LoRa and GPS shield ( GPS shield, LoRa on Raspberry Pi)
- Sensors: Temperature, light, Infrared ( PIR), moisture
- Scripts
- Visualisation
6. Assessment and Grading
- Assessment
- 1 Common outcome
- 1 Personal outcome
- Technical tutorial on Wiki
- Oral presentation of achievements
- Accomplished
- Exceeded
iotlabs-projects.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/28 09:54 by samer