
networking recipes

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Deploying an End-to-End LoRaWAN Platform

Starting from September 2016, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) will be deploying the first academic LoRa network in Lebanon. The network will support monitoring of micro-climate conditions in vineyards. Here below you can find a detailed description of the experimental platform implementing an end-to-end LoRaWAN solution.

Figure 2. Architecture of the LoRaWAN Platform

-. End-nodes

-. Autonomo with LoRaBee

-. Arduino with Dragino Shield

-. Gateways

-. Single Channel Gateway

The single channel gateway includes a LoRa transmission module (Dragino Shield) connected to a Raspberry Pi (2 or 3) as shown in Figure 1. Communication between the two modules is done over an SPI interface.

Figure 2. LoRa single channel gateway

In order to assemble the gateway, start by making the wire connections: the connection pins are identified in Figures 2 and 3.

Figure 2. Dragino pin mapping
Figure 3. Raspberry pi 3 pins

Connect the Raspberry Pi to the Internet and install the packet forwarding software. The source code of the single channel packet forwarder is available on: In order to install it, you need to:

  • Enable SPI on the Raspberry Pi using raspi-config
  • Download and unzip the source code:
  • Install the wiring library:
apt-get update
apt-get install wiring

Now you can compile and run the packet forwarder as root.

make all
nohup ./single_chan_pkt_fwd &
[1] description show
    “freq”: 868100000,
    “spread_factor”: 7,
    “pin_nss”: 6,
    “pin_dio0”: 7,
    “pin_rst”: 0,
    “ref_latitude”: 33.86576536772,
    “ref_longitude”: 35.56378662935,
    “ref_altitude”: 165,

    “name”: “ESIB SC Gateway”,
    “email”: “”,
    “desc”: “Dragino Single Channel Gateway on RPI”,

        “address”: “”,
        “port”: 1700,
        “enabled”: true
        “address”: “”,
        “port”: 1700,
        “enabled”: true
        “address”: “”,
        “port”: 1700,
        “enabled”: false
gcc version 4.6.3
unrecognized command line option '-std=c++11'
CFLAGS = -std=c++0x -c -Wall -I include/
# activates eth0 at startup
# claims dhcp request on eth0

# Selector operator APN
# Enter pin code if activated
# Update /etc/resolv.conf to get dns facilities
# PAP authentication

# Bearers priority order
./ > /dev/null &
 3270 root      2548 S    /bin/sh ./
 3288 root     34908 S    ./gps_pkt_fwd
/etc/init.d/gprs start

[root@Wirgrid_0b03008c demo_gps_loramote]# /etc/init.d/gprs  status
pppd (pid 5273) is running...
Session: Rx=58, Tx=163
Globals: Rx=1130457, Tx=1195592
Sum:     Rx=1130515, Tx=1195755
[root@Wirgrid_0b03008c demo_gps_loramote]# 

-. Backend

-. Loraserver

-. The Things Network

-. Applications

-. MQTT spy

-. Emoncms

deploying_lorawan.1483524829.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/04 11:13 by samer