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Deploying an End-to-End LoRaWAN Platform

Starting from September 2016, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) will be deploying the first academic LoRa network in Lebanon. The network will support monitoring of micro-climate conditions in vineyards. Here below you can find a detailed description of the experimental platform implementing an end-to-end LoRaWAN solution.

Figure 2. Architecture of the LoRaWAN Platform

-. End-nodes

-. Autonomo with LoRaBee

-. Arduino with Dragino Shield

-. Gateways

-. Single Channel Gateway

The single channel gateway includes a LoRa transmission module (Dragino Shield) connected to a Raspberry Pi (2 or 3). Communication is done over an SPI interface.

Start by making the correction connection between the modules: the connection pins are identified in Figures 2 and 3.

Figure 2. Dragino pin mapping
Figure 3. Raspberry pi 3 pins

Now you can connect the Raspberry Pi to the Internet and install the packet forwarding software. The source code of the single channel packet forwarder is available on: In order to install it, you need to:

  • Enable SPI on the Raspberry Pi using raspi-config
  • Download and unzip the source code:
  • Install the wiring library:
apt-get update
apt-get install wiring
  • Compile and run the packet forwarder as root.
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-. Backend

-. Loraserver

-. The Things Network

-. Applications

-. MQTT spy

-. Emoncms

deploying_lorawan.1482233829.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/20 12:37 by samer